Pointer story writing in ISSB

Pointer story writing in ISSB

Pointer story writing is a psychological test where a psychologist read your mind with the help of a pointer story. An incomplete sentence will be given for start of a pointer story.  30 seconds will be given to make an idea for pointer story writing and 3.5 minutes will be given for writing story in English on a blank page. Total two incomplete sentences will be given and you will write two pointer stories.

Helpful tips for picture story writing in ISSB
 1.    Make an idea for pointer story writing in given 30 seconds.
 2.    Relate your story with the incomplete sentence given.
 3.    Write stories on two different themes for two different
      incomplete sentences and not matching with picture stories also.
 4.    Do not exceed 12 lines for a story.
 5.    Write story on your own ideas and do not copy others ideas.
 6.    Start your story exactly from the word where
           incomplete sentence ends. 

Some model incomplete sentences for pointer story writing.

    1.    He worked hard day and night but he could not pay
           expenses of his family then he decided to............

     2.    On thunder storm night she is alone at all on road
            but suddenly ......................

     3.    He joined the service to earn money but when he
            became a leader of men........................

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